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Introducing Riptide Operation

Do you want to dive into the newest operation released 2021.09.21!

Introducing Operation Riptide, featuring new maps, an overhauled mission system, new ways to play your favorite game modes–from Private Queues to shorter Competitive matches–and more! Complete your weekly missions and choose from a variety of rewards including new agents, weapon collections, stickers, and patches.

NEW MISSION TYPES The missions in Operation Riptide have gotten an overhaul.

CARVE YOUR OWN PATH Scavenger hunts, graffiti missions, and more. Make progress by completing items in your checklist in any order you choose.

RACE TO THE FINISH Keep moving. Work your way through a series of checkpoints in order to complete your mission.

UP FOR A CHALLENGE Make steady progress in your grind, or complete your mission faster by satisfying a challenge condition!

Click here if you want to find out more about Operation Riptide!

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